Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Buffalo Run

So these past few months my brothers Jackson and J haven been training for a 50 K Trail Race on Antelope Island on the Great Salt Lake. Well, it finally came this past weekend. Our entire apartment decided to go and support them. We camped out Friday night, and then helped Christy take care of the kid's while J and Jackson ran on Saturday. It was freezing Friday night, and Saturday morning, and it was a little tough to keep the kids warm. Driving up to the island was a surreal experience, with the sun setting in the west, not in orange or yellow hues but silvery white. I looked like the edge of the earth. Then on the east the mountains reflected on the glassy water making it difficult to distinguish between land and water and sky. 

Jackson and J are my new heros! So Jackson, for a couple of weeks now has had a hurting foot, and we all had our guesses on whether or not he should do the race, but Jackson is the toughest man I know, and he was like, "there's no way I'm backing out." I know Jackson pretty well, and my guess is because of the price of admission to the race was up there he was not going to let it go to waste. The race ended up being about 32 miles, and it was a mountainous trail that would have been rough for any hiker, let alone a runner. It was rocky and steep, and J even had a run in with a buffalo. Jackson finished in five hours and three minutes, putting him in 14th overall, and first in his age devision (20-29 yrs). J made it in six hours and nearly collapsed in the arms of Christy after the race. Jackson was in excruciating pain from his foot, and had a rough weekend. We were all afraid that he had run on a broken foot or something and that the race had caused permanent damage. So on Monday he went to the doctor and he found out luckily it is just some severely strained and bruised tendons. He was one of those big boots to help him recover, but still, he is my hero all the way.

Antelope island from the causeway; the island is huge! 15 miles long, and covered in big mountains like the one in the picture. This is no tropical escape.
The mountains on the east across the water
The end of the world behind us. Matt Greer, Myself, Jackson, and Todd
The race is called the Buffalo Run because of the free roaming bison on the island

Just before the race started. Jackson is in the red, and J is just to the right of Jackson with a red hat. 

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